- BuildSystem web has a large database of materials, manufacturers, vendors and catalogues for building construction projects.
- All materials have 8-digit codes, in level 4, based on MasterFormat coding system.
- MasterFormat assists in organizing, sorting and retrieving the material data for estimating, tendering and procurement.
- MasterFormat is an internationally accepted coding system for construction materials. It was introduced 50 years ago. The entire construction industry in USA and Canada uses it.
- ASTM Standard E20129-10 is organized according to MasterFormat to promote consistency in evaluation of building products.
- On BuildSystem web, in level 4 of MasterFormat, catalogue pages are precise, open faster and all the material data is displayed on one page.
- Users can prepare a My List of materials, manufacturers, vendors and catalogues on BuildSystem web.
- Users can send requests to IPMG for listing new materials and manufacturers.
- Users can send enquiries to manufacturers for listing their catalogues and vendors.
- Various reports can be viewed, printed and exported to excel.
- Use of My List is free of cost.
- User can login on BuildSystem web and start preparing their “My List”.
- Press here for viewing of screen shots and reports in PDF.
- Press here for registering for an online presentation of My List.