
Coding of Materials


  • Client to give their material data in excel software to include material code, material description and unit.
  • IPMG to provide 13-digit codes to materials based on MasterFormat and R.S. Means / IPMG coding system.
  • IPMG to upload the material data on BuildSystem server.
  • Client to download the material data from BuildSystem server to BuildSystem software.
    • Client to transfer the material data from BuildSystem software to their ERP software.


    • Material data of client gets organized in levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, based on MasterFormat, an international coding system.
    • Duplicate materials get eliminated.
    • BuildSystem web has a large database of materials, manufacturers, vendors and catalogues in level 4.
    • In BuildSystem software, client’s material data gets linked with manufacturers, vendors and catalogues.This assists in obtaining additional rates for comparison.
    • Press here to view BuildSystem software screen for updating of rates.

    Collecting and Providing Rates of Materials   


    • Client to give their material data in excel software to include material code, material description and unit.
    • Client to give names of cities for which rates are to be collected. 
    • IPMG to provide 13-digit codes to materials based on MasterFormat and R.S. Means / IPMG coding system. 
    • IPMG to locate the names of vendors in cities given by client.
    • IPMG to contact the vendors and collect rates of materials.
    • IPMG to upload the material data on BuildSystem server.
    • Client to download the material data from BuildSystem server to BuildSystem software.
    • Client to transfer the material data from BuildSystem software to their ERP software.


    • All the benefits listed in coding of materials.

    • Additionally, material rates become available from an independent agency. Client can negotiate these material rates based on quantity, etc. Also, compare with in-house material rates.

    Contact Us   

    • For more details contact Mr. Shyam Pandey on mobile 98918 04946 or e-mail