NASA Using MasterFormat for SpecIntact
National Aeronautics  and Space Administration (NASA)
Using MasterFormat for SpecIntact

Standardizing the presentation of construction information improves communication among all parties involved in construction projects. That helps the project team deliver structures to owners according to their requirements, timelines, and budgets. 

The CSI Masterformat is an integral component of the SpecsIntact system.

SpecsIntact (Specifications Kept Intact) is an automated specifications processing system for preparing certain government facility construction projects using standard master specifications, called Master Text or Masters, supplied by each of three government agencies.  

SpecsIntact was developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and designed for use by engineers, architects, interior designers, specification writers, project managers and construction managers.  

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) and the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has also adopted SpecsIntact as their  standard specifications system, greatly facilitating the effort to standardize construction specifications throughout these agencies.  

These services utilize MasterFormat from UFGS (United Facilities  Guide Specification) sections found on the Whole Building Design Guide website.